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Dakotaland's 90th Annual Meeting

Wednesday, May 7, 2025 | 5PM - 7PM

Join us! Our Annual Meeting is held to inform the membership on Dakotaland’s achievements, current status and future plans. It is a huge part of what makes us different from other financial institutions. It is also where the membership chooses the volunteer Board of Directors.

No Ticket Required

Festivities and fun start at 5PM, annual meeting to follow at 6:30PM. Food will be served from 5PM - 7PM.


$1 Donation per Plate

Proceeds go to the Beadle County United Way


Pulled Pork Sandwich

Pulled Pork



Choice of Beverage


YOU ARE INVITED:  Dakotaland Federal Credit Union’s 90th Annual Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 7th, 2025 at 6:30 PM at the Administration Building at 2297 Kansas Ave. S.E. in Huron. The Board of Director elections will not be conducted by ballot and there will be no nominations from the floor when the number of nominees equals the number of positions to be filled.  Nominations may be made by petition.  Any questions call 800-440-6573 

6:00 – 6:30pm BINGO & Blackout BINGO
If you attend the annual meeting your name will go into a drawing for a prize.
Drew Weinreis • VP of Member Services

6:30 pm

Pledge of Allegiance 

Business Meeting
Lance Howe Chairperson of the Board

Call to Order

Ascertain a Quorum

2024 Minutes

Nominating Committee Report & Election
Lisa Snedeker Nominating Chairperson

Announcement of the 2025 Board of Directors
Lisa Snedeker Nominating Chairperson

President's Address
Ryan Goehner Dakotaland Federal Credit Union President | CEO

Door Prizes
BINGO will be part of the door prizes this year



Carnival Games
Games of all kinds with lots of chances at fun prizes.  

Kids playing in bouncy house

Bouncy House

It's so fun! The big bouncy house is sure to put a smile on every face.


Balloon Man

He's amazing! Crazy characters to cool animals, the Balloon Man is always a hit.

Snow Cones-1

Sno cones

Cool treats in all the fun flavors, sno cones make summer even sunnier.



Under the "B" is BINGO! Join us to win prizes.



Pop on over for some popcorn.

Re-Elected to the Board

Dakotaland Federal Credit Union is governed by a seven-member Board of Directors. Directors are Credit Union members who are unpaid volunteers elected by the membership. These dedicated individuals set the direction of the Credit Union and set policies the Credit Union's management and staff follow in achieving our mission and vision. This year three board members will be running for re-election. Take a look and get to know our candidates.